- Departments
- General Information
- Administrative Services
- Adult Education
- Business Services
- Communications
- Cosmetology
- Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability
- Educational Services
- Facilities, Maintenance, Operations and Fleet
- Feather River Academy
- Human Resources
- Pathways Charter Academy
- School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities
- Shady Creek
- Special Education
- Student Support & Outreach
- Sutter County Career Training Center
- Sutter County One Stop
- Technology Services
- Tri-County Induction Program
- Tri-County ROP
For Parents

All students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate for school. Clothing shall be neat, clean, safe, and not disruptive to instructional activities. The following rules apply to all students:
No short shorts, skirts or dresses. Shorts, dresses and skirts must be at least knuckle length when arms are at sides.
No sagging pants. Pants must be at or above hip bones.
No exposed cleavage.
No spaghetti strap, halter, racerback or tube tops. All tank tops must have straps that are a minimum of 1” wide (approximately the width of two fingers).
No sheer clothing.
No drug, gang, or alcohol related clothing.
No clothing that discriminates or is derogatory to any group.
No clothing/accessory that may be deemed dangerous i.e. chains, studded collars, spikes, etc.
No Gang or gang related clothing. For example:red or blue clothing. excessively baggy clothing, belts worn excessively long, monikers or insignias, hair nets, headbands or “rags” worn on a person or displayed Old English style or “graffiti style” writing on any item school officials view as denoting gang membership or affiliation. (Denoting membership in a gang is prohibited – California Education Code 35183).
No hats and/or head coverings in class, assemblies, or at any indoor school function with the exception of those worn for religious reasons.
No sunglasses in class, assemblies, or at any indoor school function unless they are prescribed or have a doctor’s note.
Any student who deviates from the accepted standards set forth in this policy will be required to prepare properly for the classroom before being admitted. Refusal to cooperate will result in disciplinary action.
Students who are not appropriately dressed for school will be given an opportunity to call home for a change of clothing. When needed, clean t-shirts and sweatpants are available in the office to loan for the school day. Students who repeatedly violate the dress code will receive progressive discipline consequences.